Friday, June 12, 2009

Having been in Washington for a solid month and some change I feel like I’m starting to get with it. As I mentioned before, I’ve been doing a ton of work writing statements, meeting w/ tribal delegations, preparing for hearings, and other cool jazz. While peeps were taking exams back at dmouth, I was in ‘Finals’ mode too. In one week we passed 3 bills through on the floor and had a hearing on 3 bills regarding taking land into trust in Washington State, designating land as ‘on reservation’ for a tribe in the San Juan Islands, and appropriating more funding and some technical amendments to a scholarship foundation. All three are great bills and I feel like I’m actually making a difference in some peoples’ lives. (gasp!) whatever. In other news…I saved Indian health care. Literally. It was in my hands. I got to go down to the floor and turn it in to the Hopper. H.R. 2708. That’s mine. I slipped in an appropriation for $10 mil for a study at the 3D institute on my favorite pastime. Screw grad school and infomercials, The Dom squad’s gonna keep running table.

On to cool adventures I’ve been having! So I’ve been exploring the area via bicycle which has been awesome. But the humidity is a huuuuge chafe. A weekend ago or so I went 40 miles into VA which was a ton of fun. Then last Sunday I went with my cousin (older than me, has 3 small kids all <4yo>

As for my AK plans, I got hardcore screwed by this bush plane pilot who told me that I was booked, but after trying to call him for 1 week told me, “um, I’m all booked. Good luck.” So, I quickly booked a bush plane out of Fairbanks, which is way more expensive, but means we don’t have to drive on the Haul road/Dalton Highway which is a gravel road. It also means we’ll be flying in two airplanes. DKAF = Davis Kirby Air Force. I just wish he was paying for more of it…
We’re officially packing heat up there. It’s sheep season then, so how awesome would that be to come back with a sheep?! Baaaaaa! Baaaaa! Remember Jurrassic Park? ‘He’s gonna eat the goat?’ ‘-excellent’

I’ll be going to New York for the 4th of July, so everyone go!

Watch for a supplement on blitz w/ some more details!


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