So I got Lily drunk last night and she gave me the password to the blog. Actually, she got herself drunk, but I definitely helped a lot. As did Dan Egan. I have to give him credit, too. Lily: how was your morning today? When I left her, she was close to passing out on her couch. I predict her morning went like this:

Anyway, our story begins over Blitz a few weeks ago. I live in Westchester County, NY, a 36-minute train ride from NYC. I told Lily I'd come into the city to hang out with her on the condition that she blog about it. Obviously I'm incredibly jealous of this exclusive blog and I want some 3D facetime myself. Then she gave me some excuse about "working too much to update." Psh. As if "Merril Lynch" is a legit company or something. We all know the financial sector is just a bunch of clowns anyway.
So yeah. I just finished working for SEAD on campus this past weekend (which was absolutely incredible - if you're interested, I can tell you all about it another time when I'm not taking up space on a blog that isn't mine), so now I'm home for a few days, hanging out with high school friends and sleeping. Since I'm starting work for DOC Summer Crew (Hi McCauley!) this coming Monday, I only have a few days here. I contacted Lily to see if she wanted to hang out, and man, does that girl work. She works something like 9 AM - 11 PM every single day of the week. I think she said she's worked every day since July 4th. Craziness.
Anyway, after I had dinner with my friend Sarah, we met up with Lily and Dan and their other roommate Cathy at some midtown bar. Lily was dressed EXACTLY like what I'd expect from an I-banker. Here's a reference:
Yes, that is "Secretary Barbie," in case you didn't know. Yes, I did just Google "naughty secretary" with my SafeSearch off. So what? Anyway, we hung out for a while in this bar and then went back. Overall, it was a pretty fun night. Dan told us about the time he hooked up with a potential '14 (I'll let you readers figure out the age on that one), Lily drank like 16 hurricanes, and they played at least two Taylor Swift songs in the bar. I was pretty happy.
I guess that's it. Hope everything's going well for all of you, and hope to hear more from you soon. Oh, also, to the current members of 3D (if they read this): thanks for letting me sleep on your couch last week. It was nice.
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