Today, friends, I am happy to report that Julie and I have finished both. I'll spare you my thoughts on hobbits, but I will give you the key details about our new digs.
- We've got a big, two bedroom apartment in Westville, about a ten minute walk from my job at Hopkins and about a five minute ride from West Rock State Park, which has 32 miles of mountain bike trails.
- The landlord is a mountain biker, so I'm getting trails beta from him. He is a big fan of the West Rock trails, and claims you can do xc loops or psycho-technical stuff, depending on your inclination. Time will tell if CT biking is up to snuff.
- Okay, on an indoors note: the apartment is nicer than 3D. Sorry. Though it lacks a pong room (for now...?)
- Due to the nice layout, affordability, good natural light, big living room, swank kitchen, and proximity to MTB'ing, I was pretty sold on this place. Julie, however, had her heart set on an apartment in this retrofitted underwear factory ("Smoothie"... only in Connecticut):

Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed.
Well, that's where we'll be starting September 1st. Til then, I'll see you around, and may call upon Team Hanover's couches a few times this summer.
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