Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Parker Reed Brothel for Wayward Alumni

Since the summer term officially ended, a lot has happened at good ol' 3D, and I figured it is my duty as a new resident to report it. Though Lucas and I (Greg) had been spending quite a bit of time here all summer, we are now actual real-life residents, for at least a week or two. Titcomb Crew got kicked out of its apartment on the 31st, and even though the majority of the crew has gone its separate ways, Lucas and I are still around finishing the roof of the cabin at a more leisurely pace. You can see more of that on the Titcomb blog. Anyway, this past weekend has been quite busy. Here is a list of important events:

  • Julie showed up, and I sat with her at the Lodj Croo rehearsal dinner. At dinner, she made some joke about taking someone to Poundtown, and it made me laugh. I missed Julie Carson jokes.
  • Elar showed up. I called him from 3D asking where he was, and two minutes later he ran into the house really loudly, covered in sweat from dancing with '14s at the H-Croo dance party. An intimidating 24-ounce Smirnoff Ice was waiting for him.

  • Emyen moved out of her room and Train moved in. Much to all of our surprise, Emyen successfully navigated her way to the Grant.
  • I moved into Nancy's room for the week. In lieu of rent, I cleaned the tank of the turtle that belongs to Nancy and Mertens. That shit was gross. I'm probably going to let Elar set the turtle free.
  • Elar played pong.
  • We replaced the old keg of Bud Select (gross) with a new keg of PBR. This involved first emptying the Bud Select into the 3D parking lot.
Then, Elar and I had a keg race of sorts back to Stinson's with the two kegs to be returned. I won. Self call.

And then burgers were made with the new keg:

So that's about it for now, but there should be some good debauchery this week. Elar is here for a few more days, I'm here for at least another week or so, and Lucas and Parker are here indefinitely, as usual.


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