Hooray America!
anyhoo I'll be back in hanover on saturday and I thought that I would post a few pics for your enjoyment.
"3Dizzle Summer 09" is an American comedy/science fiction adventure in which 8 slacking Metalheads travel through time in order to assemble a menagerie of historical figures for their high school history presentation.
FIRST -- happy graduation to all the 09s! You made it, but I bet you just wish you could be freshmen again...without the awkwardness.
So I’ve been in
This week has been training, and on Monday we start actual work. Wednesday was a really really long day. The instructor guy is a douchebag. Look at a quick snapshot of him http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzmzMZ0s8mE . He talked down to us so much, saying things like “this stuff is the worst shit you could do. And because you guys are at the bottom of the totem pole, you have to do this.” He also picked on people; someone yawned (not even with a peep) and he was like “Hey, sorry to keep you up, Mike!” All the bad people I worked with in the winter put together weren’t as mean as this guy was. On Friday we had to fill out feedback forms and I gave him a good rating (his training was good and the dude is brilliant), but in the comments box wrote a lot about how I didn’t appreciate his tude. I wrote my name down even though it was optional, so I guess we will see what HR and this guy will say to me once they read the evaluations.
On Wednesday, my mom also had a freak-out. She called me literally 10 times and I couldn’t pick up because I was in training (it wasn’t even that late!) She ended up calling Verizon Wireless and I guess they went through my call log and picked the first 914 number…which happened to be Dan Egan. So she called Daniel and he tried to calm her down and was like “I’m sure Lily’s fine she’s just at work”. Then she called Merrill and somehow found a manager to go find me…gah! I never heard anything about it from anyone at work so I’m assuming they figured out that I was just let out of training and was fine. What a neurotic mom.
At home, I’ve just been taking care of the utilities and moving in my clothes and stuff. I guess the tenants before us had a crazy high internet/cable/phone plan. They were paying $500 a month! Our wireless was all set up, but there was a password on the it from the previous tenants, so I had to pay $30 for linksys to reset the password. Bullpoop.
Anyways, I guess on Monday I start for real. My group is on the 26th and 27th floor, but more people that I know on the 26th floor. Unfortunately, I got thrown on the 27th floor. In the corner. By the printer. Gah. At least if I take a nap no one will see. From the 5 minutes that I spent at my desk on Friday afternoon, I really like the people I’m sitting with. I will have more updates soon I suppose! Please, keep this from being the lilar blog – someone else tell us what they’re up to!